
the ups and downs of life

Archive for the month “March, 2013”

Extra Income

I know that some of us want extra income. I just wanted to let y’all know I do mystery shopping and it gives a little extra when I want it. It’s something that I choose to do when it is convenient for me. I just thought in these economic times it might be something others would be interested in. I have been working for Bestmark for a while and they have some awesome shops for really good restaurants and other easy shops. Some I even just do by phone. How’s that for easy?! LOL If  you’re interested, you can go here and sign up. Right now if you sign up you can even be entered for a Kindle Fire. Why not sign up to earn money at your own pace? I promise it is pretty easy and painless! Plus you get to eat at some great places!

Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to share this with your friends as well, too!

Whose Business Is It?

Cover of "Loving What Is: Four Questions ...

Cover via Amazon

I was listening to Byron Katie’s audiobook  Loving What Is  and really got into it. One thing she said that got me is when we are thinking of shoulds and shouldn’ts, we are often worrying about things that are often not our business. There are things that are your business, my business and God’s business. I should worry about my business. I can’t stop every thought, but I can decide whose business it is and try to let it just be their business.

It’s not that I even care too much about other people’s business. A lot of times I care about how other people feel about me. Know what? That’s not my business! I can’t change them or their view. I can only live my life to make myself the best person I feel I need to be and do what makes me feel better. I know who I have to answer to at the end of the day and at the end of my life. Most of the people who I have been worried about in the past are not in those two categories so ultimately I don’t need to worry so much about what they think!

It’s a pretty liberating thought when you really consider it. While very liberating, it is also very difficult. We’re not wired that way. Well, not most of us anyway. I wasn’t. I was raised by a baby-boomer who wanted me to behave 85% of the time. She enjoyed my impropriety 10% of the time and then the other 5% of the time she was confused by it.

I am trying to do my hardest to live my life with it my business. I do wish people approved of my business, but I can’t live for others. I tried. I really did. It caused me to marry the wrong man and then to live in pain and tears for years due to that wrong and fateful decision. Why? Because I was living someone else’s business.

So whose business is it? It’s Amy’s business! And I’m living it intentionally now.

(If you have lived for others, I urge you to check out Byron Katie. It’s very good. Read  her book or listen to her audiobook Loving What Is.)

Book Publishing 101: What Publishers are Looking For

For my friends who love to write, here’s something to help… hope it helps!

Book Publishing 101: What Publishers are Looking For.

Just Poppies

Just Poppies

Georgia O’Keefe inspired this.

Looking Up

Looking Up

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Serendipity Singles Mixers

It's time to give fate a helping hand.

Conflict Transformation & Ethical Guardianship

A site dedicated to exploring the very best ways of managing, resolving, and transforming conflict, and elevating humanity.


Inspiring people to live the life God intended them to live.

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Eat Well, Live Well


Nancy Roman

The Byronic Man

Joel K Clements

Creating J.Lyn

Be happy. Be you.

Wally's Daily Bite's

Your Transformation Begins With the Next Thought, Bite and Step

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the only way to do great work is to love what you do

Someone Like Me...

Stronger and Stronger, Day after Day...

On the Homefront

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Rantings of an Amateur Chef - What works, and what doesn't!


One man's weight loss journey

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