
the ups and downs of life

Archive for the month “March, 2021”


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It is really easy to complain. Too easy. I know I complain. We all do. But I also count my blessings. Every day. When I feel myself starting to be overwhelmed by all the negativity of life, I check myself and look for the good. There is a lot of bad in the world and we all know it. But there is a lot of good. And if we don’t look for that good, we are going to let the bad and negativity take over any good we have.

We have to be grateful for any and everything we have. No matter how small. When you are feeling defeated and overwhelmed, grab a piece of paper and think of three things you’re grateful for. Can’t think of anything? I can tell you three right off the top of my head.

  • You’re breathing.
  • You can hold the pen/pencil in your hand.
  • You have a piece of paper to write on.

Those things may not seem like much but they are. I have friends who have COPD and have trouble breathing. I have a friend who hurt his hand and can’t hold a pen or pencil. It literally hurts to close his hand. There are people in this world who would love to have paper to write on.

I’m not saying life isn’t hard. Believe me, I know it is. I have lost everything and everyone I loved and am still working to survive. Some days I feel like the biggest failure on the planet. And I have to remind myself to look for those positives.

I can’t allow myself to look at what so-and-so has compared to what I have or don’t have. I would stay miserable if I did that. That is one reason I have stepped back from social media somewhat. I can’t allow other people’s negativity to affect me and I also can’t allow myself to fall into the trap of comparing what I do/don’t have to others. I do use social media for some things, but I rarely use it for many personal things anymore.

When you feel yourself beginning to feel frustrated by life, do something positive. And, yes, it is ok to take the indulgent moment to say to yourself that things aren’t fair, but you also need to remind yourself that nothing is fair. Now get up and wash your face and shake it off and get back to living! Be grateful you have the life you have and live it the best you can.

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