
the ups and downs of life

Archive for the month “March, 2012”

I Did Not Win $600 Million

Imagine that! I didn’t win $600 million. But I did win $150. 🙂 So something is better than nothing. Right?

But I wonder who the winner is. What are they gonna do with that money? Are they really poor and really need that money? Are they going to help others? I can’t wait to know the story. I loved hearing all the stories of people buying tickets. So many people knew it was really a long shot but yet we all just wanted to buy a chance at a dream. Hoping and praying for a life changing moment.

It was exhilarating! And I think that is what most of us want…a chance at a dream.

Maybe My Name Should Be Charlie

Indiana Mega Millions Lottery Ticket

Indiana Mega Millions Lottery Ticket (Photo credit: juggernautco)

With all the talk about the Mega Million Lottery, I think maybe my name should be Charlie (Willie Wonka). I have bought my obligatory tickets. And I hope one of them is the GOLDEN ticket. Why? Haven’t  you heard? The jackpot is over $600 million now. Yeah, you read it right. OVER $600 million. That’s eight zeroes. That’s a lot of money. The drawing is at 11 pm Eastern time.

I am hoping and praying mine is THE one winner. I’m thinking the odds on that right now are pretty slim but I can still dream. I know all of my friends are trying to get my millions. We’ve all made pacts to share. I’m thinking if we win, that’s out the window. It’s a nice sentiment, though. 🙂

I wonder if I changed my name to Charlie if it would make my odds any better? Dang! Too late! The courthouse is closed. So I guess I better just keep my fingers crossed and wear my lucky socks.

I Prayed For Ya, Baby! Reposted

I sure did! Now I am sure whoever is reading this is wondering, “Who is she talking about?” Well, I prayed for many, and a few in particular. One was quite specific. Why? Because I am supposed to. Because sometimes other people need prayer. Because sometimes other people don’t know that they need prayer. Because sometimes people can’t pray for themselves. Because sometimes people have hurt us and rather than lash out in anger it is better to just pray for them. Because it is more powerful to pray for them than say anything directly to them. Because sometimes you love them and can’t do anything else but pray for them. Because sometimes prayer is all that is left. And finally because God said to.

So, do you think those are enough reasons? I do. So I did. And it wasn’t easy. My prayer for most people was for healing, whether it was physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. I think we all endure some form of imprisonment that we battle and it is helpful to have someone else on our side fighting that battle. One person in particular that I prayed for has waffled on his beliefs and one reason I prayed for him is because he does know the truth but he hides from it. I know he knows the truth because he has prayed for me. He only did it once but when he did, a miracle happened. I was almost homeless and didn’t know how I was going to pay the rent and somehow after his prayer there was enough money. I felt that was to show him that God was providing. If he is reading this right now, yes, you have been prayed for TODAY. Your life can change! Nothing is unforgivable. Maybe you have thought that in the past, but it was a lie. It’s an incredible LIE that was created to keep you and so many others down.

I will keep praying. There are many reasons. Here are some verses that tell us to do so:

Job 42:10 And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

Ephesians 6:18 Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,

1 Timothy 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

I will continue praying because not only have I been instructed to, but also because I know that so many people need it. I have seen the power of prayer in my life as well as in others. I am not the perfect Christian by any means. I still say and do things I shouldn’t, but I do know I am saved by grace and have that hope for others as well.

Helping Others

I saw something today that made me cry and feel the urgency to help someone else. An old friend’s niece recently passed away. I have known her family since middle school. I won’t tell you how long that has been, but let’s just say it is a LONG time. It was her little sister’s daughter. I didn’t know this young lady, but she got very sick very fast. She had down’s syndrome. She had a rough life. And rather than getting to finish it happily ever after, she passed away before reaching adulthood. It makes me tear up thinking about it.

Who plans for this? Who thinks about outliving their kids when they’re so young? They weren’t prepared financially and from what I understand, it took it’s toll.

They’re having a spaghetti dinner tomorrow in Pulaski, Tennessee to raise money for her funeral expenses. Asheville, North Carolina is a little too far away to drive for spaghetti. But since I can’t make it, I can send money. I just found out from the bank where there is a fund set up for funeral expenses that I can send a check made out to her mother’s name, Sherry Barr, and notate the account number and name of account on the check. I can mail the check to Redstone Federal Credit Union, 220 Wynn Dr, Huntsville, AL 35893. This is what I am going to do.

Eat Pray Love

I saw the movie last year and loved it but I kept hearing how good the book was. I generally like to read the book first and then watch the movie. Or sometimes I like to just watch the movie or just read the book. Why? Because one generally ruins the other. You have one that is so much better than the other and then you are left with disappointment. But I went ahead and read the book after having seen the movie. Surprisingly, I love both. While the author’s physical description of herself does not fit Julia Roberts, the personality is really captured by Julia Roberts. I can only think of one other actress who could have pulled off the range involved in this book and that is Sandra Bullock. She has comedic ability as well as dramatic.

I’ve read negative reviews of this book and movie, but I liked it. Maybe it’s because it is such a great and refreshing way of looking at a journey. It was a life journey because it involved the search for happiness in all aspects. The author was trying to figure out who she was within herself, within life, with God, and with or without love. I felt like someone had peeked into my life except I haven’t done the traveling part of the book. I have done this same journey, though, without traveling at all. This book gave me some insight into myself as well as my relationship with God. And maybe that is the problem for the people giving negative reviews; they haven’t experienced this journey. That’s fine. But so many of us do and this is insight into one person’s journey.

If you’re questioning your journey in life, this might be a helpful book just to let you know someone else has been down the same figurative road. Don’t be surprised by some of her “colorful” language. She may be working on spirituality but it didn’t affect her vocabulary.

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