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Archive for the tag “Kirstie Alley”

Twitter anyone?


Twitter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I feel kinda weird using Twitter. I feel like I have Tourette’s via my computer. What? I had a thought and I need to announce it to the world? OK. Are my thoughts worth tweeting? And if I’m tweeting does that make me a twit? 

I think Kirstie Alley’s randomness is great on Twitter and I love it. She’s just funny as all get out and I love her. I remember watching her show when they had an intervention about her addiction. She’s a mess. (That’s a GOOD thing!) I wish my tweeting was good like that. It’s not. Mine falls flat. Maybe I’m just too boring to tweet. I have been pretty dull lately.

If anyone has any helpful tips on Twitter, pass them on to me. I’m frustrated.

People I Would Love To Meet

There are many people I think are smart and talented. Some are so smart and talented that I would love to meet them and just pick their brains. I would love the opportunity to ask them how they came up with certain ideas. How did they overcome adversity? How did they handle life in the limelight? The things they have accomplished amaze me and I would love to know their secrets. So here are some of the people I would love to meet and reasons why. I am including questions I would ask as well.

  1. Bill Gates–How in the world did you come up with the idea of an operating system for a computer? What made you dream up various types of software? How did you know how to do this stuff? Was it easy for you or did you have to work hard to come up with these ideas?
  2. J.J. Abrams–He is one of the greatest creators of entertainment in Hollywood. There’s a lot of great actors in the world, but this man creates universes and roles and creates the dialogue for characters. He is amazing. He not only can write and produce but he can compose music as well. He is a creative genius.
  3. Billy Graham–This man has traveled the world spreading the word of God. He left his family in the care of his wife many times in order to do work he felt that God had called him to do. He was faithful to his wife. He advised world leaders. I wish I could meet his wife as well, but she has passed on already. She was a spirited woman. Ruth Bell Graham was a true lady.
  4. President Bill Clinton–He was one the most famous presidents whose popularity was all over the place. I think he was a good leader but was completely human. He was publicly human, much to the dismay of many. I do not agree with how this man conducted his private life but would like to know if he has changed. I would like to know if he learned his lesson. I would like to know why he lied to the American public. When it was all going on I kept thinking that if he would just confess that the American people would forgive him because we easily forgive.
  5. Hilary Clinton–I know many people do not like her. I do. I have always liked her. She is abrupt and somewhat abrasive. She stands up for what she believes in. She is a woman not afraid to speak her mind. She is strong. But she is human, too. She went through so much. She was publicly humiliated by her husband yet she held her head high and continued on. She saved a marriage that many thought should have been thrown out. She held onto what she believed in–family. And I admire her for that.
  6. President Obama–He has been the target of so many verbal barbs. I would love to sit down and ask him so many questions. I would love to know how he balances being a husband and father as well as leader of the free world. I would love to know what made him want to be president.
  7. The Google Guys–Wow…Google. What can ya say? A search engine that is so popular that it is now a verb. That is impressive. I wonder if they ever thought they would create something so powerful? I would love to know how they came up with the idea to make such a powerful search engine. What plans do they have for the future? Google + has started and not quite gotten popular. Google Chrome is becoming a popular web browser. There are also dedicated computers from these guys. What’s next?
  8. Martha Stewart–Yes, she is the queen of “living” but does she ever just wear sweats? Does she ever just eat a frozen pizza? Does she ever live like “normal” people? Or does she have maids taking care of her 24/7? Or is she constantly walking around with a glue gun? What gives, Martha?!
  9. Kirstie Alley–I think she is funny. I would love to meet her. I would love to sit with her and chat. I have seen her show and she cracks me up. She seems like someone I would really like. I would love to see if she is like that in real life.

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