
the ups and downs of life

Archive for the day “November 6, 2012”

Today Is THE DAY


November 6, 2012

After all the pandering, mud-slinging, accusations, whining, and so many other words the day is finally upon us. The last day to vote. I am so glad I voted early. But then again there is a bit of a let down because I am not going to stand in line at the last-minute and talking to everyone who is also anxiously awaiting to exercise our wonderful American right to cast our vote.

The good news is that I can watch people get dramatic on Facebook and do their last-minute promotion for “their” candidate. I don’t mind if people say, “Vote for So-and-So” but when they say stuff that essentially says, “You’re a moron if you don’t vote for So-and-So” then I get offended.  It’s ridiculous. I may or may not like their candidate, but I sure don’t like their attitude.

As for the election, I do have certain hopes for it. I know that anyone who has read the blog or really knows me knows what it is. I hope they understand why.  My views aren’t perfect, but they are mine. And I don’t say that others are stupid for theirs. I have prayed about the outcome and pray for our leaders. I honestly think people would do better to quit bad-mouthing so much and maybe pray a little more for their government officials.

Today is a very important day. It is a right and a privilege that Americans shouldn’t take for granted. It is the heart of our country and we need to keep democracy going! I worry about the outcome and will be on pins and needles.

Please, Americans, vote your conscience! It is your right, your privilege, and your duty as a citizen of these United States!

Nyquil Haze

35/365: Still Life with Nyquil

35/365: Still Life with Nyquil (Photo credit: johnwilliamsphd)

I’m typing this in a Nyquil haze. The reason is I have a question. Back in the day, I could drink like a fish and go all night. Now a dose of Nyquil has me drunk and falling out. What is going on? What proof is Nyquil? Is it made with moonshine or what? I’m too tired to keep pressing these buttons or put together coherent sentences. The Nyquil did it! I swear! I only took 2 swigs from the bottle. And now the room is spinning. Lord have mercy on me! Please.

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